
Program Name: Insurance Navigator Program About: Assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace, AHCCCS, and CHIP along with help scheduling appointments for KidsCare and food stamps. All AZ residents qualify Contact: To schedule an appointment: Phone: 1-800-377-3536 Required Documents: Birth Certificate,...

Program Name: Appeals Office About: For individuals who believe they were unfairly treated by DES. Call or visit website for the Fair Hearing Request Form FAA-0098A to appeal any decisions or actions relating to AHCCCS, Cash Assistance, food stamps, and other...

Program Name: Health-e-Arizona PLUS About: Online enrollment application for AHCCCS Health Insurance, KidsCare, Children’s Rehabilitative Services, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) case assistance. Application can be completed online, mailed/faxed, in person at a local DES...

Program Name: Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) About: Eligibility – women who are at nutritional risk, pregnant, breastfeeding, and/or postpartum and infants/children age 5 and below with income below 185% of federal poverty guidelines. Some WIC appointments can be completed...

Program Name: ITCA WIC About: Eligibility – Native American only pregnant and breastfeeding women up to one year after birth and breastfeeding post partum women up to six months after birth, and infants and children from birth to age 5 who...

Program Name: Arizona Long Term Care (ALTCS) About: Health provider of long term services for people who are blind, have a disability, or are age 65 and older on low income and who need care at a nursing home level....

Program Name: Banner University Family Care About: Offers non-emergency medical transportation to and from covered health appointments for members who cannot afford to pay for their own transportation. 24-hour nurse line. Hours:  Phone Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30am-5pm  Contact:  Website:  Phone: 1-800-582-8686...

Program Name: Mercy Care DCS Comprehensive Health Plan  About: The health plan provided to youth in the foster care system statewide. Offers non-emergency medical transportation to and from covered health appointments for members who cannot afford to pay their own transportation. 24-Hour...

Program Name: United Healthcare Community Plan  About:  AHCCCS Health Plan for central and Southern Arizona. Offers non-emergency medical transportation to and from covered health appointments for members who cannot afford to pay for their own transportation. 24-Hour nurse and transportation line...

Program Name:  ALTCS Workshop About: Pima Council on Aging hosts a monthly workshop every Second Thursday of the month that is free to join and can provide information about ALTCS eligibility and the application process. Call to register for the...

Program Name:  VA Aid and Attendance Benefits & Housebound Allowance About: VA Aid and Attendance eligibility – currently receive a veteran’s pension and meet at least of the following You need assistance performing daily activities or have to stay in...

Program Name: Honoring Our Lives Life Care Planning About: Free workshops and access to packets/paperwork in preparation for end-of-life care. ICS provides individuals with a free packet that includes 4 Arizona documents in preparation for future healthcare decisions and end of...

Program name: New Client Orientation- Tucson Indian Center About: The Tucson Indian Center is open to the public and serves all Native American and Alaska Native people regardless of tribal heritage. The Tucson Indian Center serves children, adolescents, adults and...