Program Name: Trafficking Legal Support About: Legal supports for vulnerable children and youth and survivors of human trafficking of any age or gender. Can include help with legal immigration status, employment, education, housing discrimination, etc. Office is in Phoenix but work...
About: Legal supports for those who qualify including family law, consumer protection, eviction prevention/unsafe housing/home less, expungement, public benefits, immigration, and additional trial based legal supports Contact: Website: Phone: 520-623-9461 Language: English and Spanish.
Program Name: Restore Your Rights About: Assistance in setting aside or vacating convictions. Qualifications – have AZ or Federal convictions, have waited at least two years after released from prison, fulfilled probation conditions, and have proof of payment of fines/restitution. Contact:...
Program Name: Trafficking Legal Support About: Legal supports for vulnerable children and youth and survivors of human trafficking of any age or gender. Can include help with legal immigration status, employment, education, housing discrimination, etc. Office is in Phoenix but work...
About: Legal supports for those who qualify including family law, consumer protection, eviction prevention/unsafe housing/homeless, expungement, public benefits, immigration, and additional trial based legal supports Contact: Website: Southern Arizona Legal Aid – Quality Legal Services For All ( Phone: 520-623-9461...
Program Name: Restore your Rights About: Assistance in setting aside or vacating convictions Qualifications – have AZ or Federal convictions, have waited at least two years after released from prison, fulfilled probation conditions, and have proof of payment of fines/restitution. Contact: ...
Program Name: Weekly Public Legal Defense Clinics About: Services and information about civil rights restoration, misdemeanor or felony convictions, quashing warrants, referrals to lower courts, community services, constitutional rights, etc. Hours: Services are first-come first-serve on Wednesdays from 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm...
Program Name: QUILT Modest Means Program About: Legal supports for individuals and families who are “too rich” for free legal services and “too poor” to afford regular attorney fees by offering help with legal representation at a reduced fee with local...
About: Online application is a pre-qualification process to determine if users are eligible for free or reduced cost legal help and which programs may meet the user’s needs best. Complete application through link Contact: Website: AZ Law Help Phone: 1-866-637-5341...
Program Name: Family Center of Conciliation Court About: Providing child custody and parenting time mediation to people who are in the process of divorce or never married. Includes court ordered conciliation counseling for parents with conflict, court ordered divorce parent...
About: Website which provides information about the legal process for those who are representing themselves. Consumers can search by topics such as immigration, bankruptcy, and eviction and by forms needed. Information includes various courts including municipal, justice, supreme, and superior courts....
Program Name: Law for Veterans About: Information for veterans on a variety of legal issues. No eligibility restrictions. Contact: Website: Home | Phone: 1-866-637-5342 Citizenship Required: No Language: English and Spanish
Program Name: Sells/Tohono O’odham Legal Aid About: Legal assistance and representation for people with low income in civil matters including public housing, mortgage foreclosure, eviction prevention, landlord/tenant disputes, public assistance and benefits, denial of health care, and discrimination. Cannot assist with...
Program Name: Tucson Legal Aid About: Legal assistance and representation for people with low income in civil matters including public housing, mortgage foreclosure, eviction prevention, landlord/tenant disputes, public assistance and benefits, denial of health care, and discrimination. Cannot assist with...
About: Advocates for people with developmental, physical, cognitive, or psychiatric disabilities in the areas of education, health care, housing, accessibility, abuse, neglect, employment, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) related issues. Provide information, technical assistance, and training on legal rights...
About: Free civil legal services for people with low income in Pima County. Services include cases involving landlord/tenant disputes, family law, minor guardianship, consumer protection, bankruptcy, end of life planning, social security, and employment. Cannot assist with immigration, DUI’s, or criminal...